Saturday, December 31, 2011


Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's edisi 3

Tas Selempang Kulit
 tas selempang murah
jual tas selempang
tas selempang branded
tas selempang keren
Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's
tas selempang pria
tas selempang wanita
model tas selempang
tas selempang levi's

Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's
tas selempang distro
toko selempang online
tas selempang wanita murah
grosir selempang

Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's
grosir selempang wanita
tas selempang kulit
tas selempang wanita branded
toko selempang murah

Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's
selempang online murah
jual tas selempang pria
tas selempang kulit pria
toko tas online murah

Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's
tas selempang kecil
toko grosir tas selempang murah
jual tas selempang murah grosir
tas murah grosir

Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's
tas wanita online
grosir tas selempang
tas selempang unik

Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's edisi 3
Bahan Kulit Asli
Kulit Sangat Lentur , Halus dan lembut sekali , berbeda dengan edisi pertama

Berat 500gram
Tinggi +- 23cm
Lebar +-21cm
Tebal 7 cm

Harga Tas Selempang Kulit Levi's edisi 3 Rp.250.000

Sedikit Tentang Levi's :

Levi's telah membuat produck selama hampir 133 tahun. Ada sejumlah alasan mengapa perusahaan meneruskan untuk membuat produck dari levi's. Ini juga alasan mengapa perusahaan telah berhasil mengembangkan usahanya. Levi's membuat produk dengan sejumlah faktor yang berbeda dalam pikiran. Levi's melihat apa yang di butuhkan dan apa yang di rasakan pada produk mereka itu. Perusahaan tahu bahwa semua orang memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda ketika datang produk levis datang kepada mereka dan bahwa mereka ingin produk  yang mereka dapat merasa nyaman.

tas selempang anak
toko tas murah online
tas laptop selempang
tas wanita selempang

Friday, December 30, 2011


Contoh Banner Ucapan Natal Dan Tahun Baru

Contoh Banner Ucapan Natal Dan Tahun Baru (gambar Berubah)


Potongan Rambut 2012 / 2012 model Rambut

Potongan Rambut 2012 / 2012 model Rambut
 model rambut
model rambut trend
trend rambut pendek
trend rambut terbaru

Potongan Rambut 2012 / 2012 model Rambut
 model rambut tren
trend mode
tren rambut terbaru
trend rambut wanita
gaya rambut terkini

Potongan Rambut 2012 / 2012 model Rambut
 trend rambut terkini
model trend rambut
gaya rambut pendek terbaru
trend mode rambut

Potongan Rambut 2012 / 2012 model Rambut
 gaya rambut wanita terbaru
foto rambut terbaru
model rambut ikal terbaru

Potongan Rambut 2012 / 2012 model Rambut
 gaya rambut wanita terkini
foto rambut pendek wanita
trend rambut pendek wanita
gaya rambut pendek perempuan

Potongan Rambut 2012 / 2012 model Rambut
tren rambut terkini
style rambut pendek wanita
style rambut terkini
contoh gaya rambut
style rambut perempuan

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Amanda seyfried on - stage - magazinecovers - street style.

Fashion models | Fashion celebrities


Amanda seyfried on - stage - magazinecovers - street style.

Fashion models | Fashion celebrities

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Maxi skirts fashion – Will Maxi skirts strikes in 2012?

Fashion produces attractive things which always become ugly with time. And after a while the same thing will be attracted”. Maxi skirts are of that kind. They are very popular in end of 80’s and faded lately. But now it’s coming live again.

Maxi skirts are trendy even today, because of the head-to-toe elegance they can provide. These are the perfect choice for Fall/Autumn. And recently many celebrities were spotted in maxi skirts.

They are really comfortable to wear around. When anyone decides to wear these skirts, the question is whether to use boot or sandal. It depends on how the skirt looks like. If it's got a lot of volume, you can wear it with boots since its almost autumn, or with something kind of chunky. And if you have wide hip, So that wear a long skirt with a lot of volume, then you need to wear more substantial shoes. Otherwise, your lower half just looks ridiculous. But if somebody doesn't have those problems, other options may work better for them.

And height might not be the fact for not to wearing maxi skirts, I have hearted it from few,

“I’m really starting to like maxi skirts, but I’m afraid they will make me look too shorter.”  It is not hard to pull off. Just adjust it with high boot. And you will feel better with these skirts. And please don’t cut at its bottom since it takes off the skirts complete elegance.

And let’s see whether maxi skirts make a good comeback in 2012. Thank you.


Maxi skirts fashion – Will Maxi skirts strikes in 2012?

Fashion produces attractive things which always become ugly with time. And after a while the same thing will be attracted”. Maxi skirts are of that kind. They are very popular in end of 80’s and faded lately. But now it’s coming live again.

Maxi skirts are trendy even today, because of the head-to-toe elegance they can provide. These are the perfect choice for Fall/Autumn. And recently many celebrities were spotted in maxi skirts.

They are really comfortable to wear around. When anyone decides to wear these skirts, the question is whether to use boot or sandal. It depends on how the skirt looks like. If it's got a lot of volume, you can wear it with boots since its almost autumn, or with something kind of chunky. And if you have wide hip, So that wear a long skirt with a lot of volume, then you need to wear more substantial shoes. Otherwise, your lower half just looks ridiculous. But if somebody doesn't have those problems, other options may work better for them.

And height might not be the fact for not to wearing maxi skirts, I have hearted it from few,

“I’m really starting to like maxi skirts, but I’m afraid they will make me look too shorter.”  It is not hard to pull off. Just adjust it with high boot. And you will feel better with these skirts. And please don’t cut at its bottom since it takes off the skirts complete elegance.

And let’s see whether maxi skirts make a good comeback in 2012. Thank you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Globalization of fashion – just think about it.

   Now a day’s almost everyone cares a lot about their appearances and dressing. But in depth, today’s fashion is definitely becoming homogeneous (simply westernizing). This may be partially due to the impact of media ... TV, movies, and the internet. And also because of western societies colonizing a lot of far places and spreading all over the world. And people blindly love their way of dressing and fashion trends, with thinking about their climatic conditions, money value, regional tradition etc...

   Fashion is evolving, but not in varieties of trends... just the opposite. It's becoming one big planet, with everyone dressing pretty much unique. Perhaps it takes time till the trends arrive here, but I observed that the clothes sold in stores were very similar to the one I saw in the other continents... and on the streets, the same. It was even alarming; you know the whole globalization phenomenon is out there; think of how the world's becoming trendy uniform.

  Rebecca Taylor a fashion designer - “We used to design for each market, but now what's popular in the US is popular in Asia.”

  The globalization of fashion diminishes individual style and dressing trend. Anyone can just wear the latest trends, it takes nearly no style or imagination to do that... I think that, if it continues in such way, where everyone is dressing so much alike all over the world, there will be a big influx of very unique personal style and after two centuries, people can’t figure out their region’s trend, dressing style; just everything will be unique (western).

  Please try to be unique of your own style and create your own trend which adapts your climate, some what your regions traditions etc...


Globalization of fashion – just think about it.

   Now a day’s almost everyone cares a lot about their appearances and dressing. But in depth, today’s fashion is definitely becoming homogeneous (simply westernizing). This may be partially due to the impact of media ... TV, movies, and the internet. And also because of western societies colonizing a lot of far places and spreading all over the world. And people blindly love their way of dressing and fashion trends, with thinking about their climatic conditions, money value, regional tradition etc...

   Fashion is evolving, but not in varieties of trends... just the opposite. It's becoming one big planet, with everyone dressing pretty much unique. Perhaps it takes time till the trends arrive here, but I observed that the clothes sold in stores were very similar to the one I saw in the other continents... and on the streets, the same. It was even alarming; you know the whole globalization phenomenon is out there; think of how the world's becoming trendy uniform.

  Rebecca Taylor a fashion designer - “We used to design for each market, but now what's popular in the US is popular in Asia.”

  The globalization of fashion diminishes individual style and dressing trend. Anyone can just wear the latest trends, it takes nearly no style or imagination to do that... I think that, if it continues in such way, where everyone is dressing so much alike all over the world, there will be a big influx of very unique personal style and after two centuries, people can’t figure out their region’s trend, dressing style; just everything will be unique (western).

  Please try to be unique of your own style and create your own trend which adapts your climate, some what your regions traditions etc...

Sunday, December 25, 2011


jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012

 jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk wanita

 jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk wanita

 jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk wanita

 jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk wanita

 jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk pria

  jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk pria

  jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk pria

  jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk pria

  jaket kulit , model jaketkulit terbaru 2012
desain untuk pria

model jaket kulit harga jaket kulit jaket kulit asli jual jaket kulit murah  jaket kulit wanita gambar jaket kulit jaket semi kulit contoh jaket kulit jaket kulit online jaket kulit domba jaket kulit import jaket kulit di bandung          jaket kulit motor  jaketkulit  pria jaket kulit gaul desain jaket kulit model jaket kulit terbaru jaket kulit keren design jaket kulit foto jaket kulit model jaket kulit pria jaket kulit touring jaket kulit cewe         jaket     kulit model terbaru jaketkulit model jaket kulit wanita